
Meningitis / encephalitis


We just are the covering of the brain, also known as the mother of the brain because it protects the brain and inflammation of meninges, it's called meningitis. It can be called the bacteria virus, fungus or tuberculosis. Symptoms usually include fever stiffness severe headache with vomiting, nausea, seizures, weakness of the limbs, Decreased consciousness or loss of consciousness in children there is irritability, the refusal of the due recurrent vomiting and stiffness of the body, meningitis are the dangerous disease which can leave permanent neurological damage, if not intervened early and can lead to deficits in the patient for lifelong.


is the inflammation of brain perse And like the meningitis it can be due to bacterial, viral paracity tubercular fungal usually Encephalitis has aditional component decreased body immunity. Encephalitis are much more dangerous and life threatning and pateint are much likely to have Deficit in post Encephalitis period.


osteomyelitis is the infection of the bone usually caused by bacteria and can occur in the bone of the skull that is head bone of the back that is bacteria. in both can present Differently in the Skullbone that is the head bone Result of post-injury From the sinusitis from surgery, it can present with local swelling fever And can spread underneath the skin when Any area of the skin is Ruptured then this puss usually comes out in the form of sinus. In the vertebral. It can present as neck pain or back pain Difficulty in standing sitting changing posture. Its pain can be been so severe, that person may be disabled to the bed And spinal that is vertebral osteomyelitis is a limb-threatening condition in which if the bone is weak enough a patient continue to shit and walk then it lives to collapse of the vertebral and injury of the spinal cord inside the vertebral which leads to weakness of the limbs. Signs and symptoms of osteomyelitis-

  • Fever
  • Swelling, warmth and redness over the area of the infection
  • Pain in the area of the infection
  • Fatigue
Sometimes osteomyelitis causes no signs and symptoms or the signs and symptoms are hard to distinguish from other problems. This may be especially true for infants, older adults and people whose immune systems are compromised.

Cerebral abscess

Cerebral Abscess is the formation of puss inside the brain usually this form because of Ear infection, sinus infections. Dental infections. and. Because of decreased body immunity. Seem much more common in the children's. anytime this children usually have any remote infectionsin the other organs of the body lung and usually have, Some congenital disease these organs. This can be because of bacterial fungal and treatment consist of, Antibiotics or antifungal with surgical equation that is drinning of the puss the aspirated puss is send culture and sensitivity of the drug. Symptoms are the Fever headache.

Subdural empyema

Subdural empyema cause because of puss inside the dura but outside the brain and usually the result of infections of the meninges that is meningetis Surrounding paramises sinus infection Ear infections And can also because of procture of brain apses. This causes symptoms of fever headache Vomiting decrease consciousness Scissors unconsciousness.

Parasitic infections

parasitic are the organisms which survive in other bodies by feeding on their resources of a parasitic infection of brain is because of infection of these parasites, this can be formal neurocysticercosis, which is very much common like kionococosis also know as herity disease schistosomal infection causes in systosomia neurocysticercosis very common and usually caused by pork tape wormnaga. And occurs when the people eat food contaminated with the tepoms aid these aid goes into the body and then from there is larva in the blood, and then it's distributed in all parts of the body and when it reaches the brain, it causes neurocysticercosis on the parasitic infection of the brain. To treat these parasitic along with some supportive drugs, to decrease the brain swelling and seizures.

  • trichomoniasis
  • giardiasis
  • cryptosporidiosis
  • toxoplasmosis
  • Fungal infections

    Fungal infections of the brain really occur due to fungus. but for this, they decreased immunity of host is the most important For any fungal infection when the body immunity of host is decreased this fungus normally resize in our body Infect caused damage in the body.similarly when the body has decreased when the infection occurs in the brain and spine, they can be. Live in the covid-19, sweetheart about the new core mycosis. There are many species of fungus. That causes some of the brain.

    Tubercular infections

    Infection of the neural issue can occur in the brain, spine or whatever you call them. Brain they can cause tubercolor meningitis for information of multiple reasons that is mass in the brain known as tuberculoma or can lead to a ostruction in the flow of the Brain fluid that is CSF causing hydrocephalus. In the spine, they can lead to tuberculor meningitis, Again information of tuberculoma In both area information of puss outside the brain formatting fyma or ifdural subduralapses in the what ever column, they can cause osteomyelitis and can lead to damage of the material column known as potts spine symptoms of these differ first tubercular meningitis can present with a headache fever omating stripbody and the neck decrease conciousness loss of conciusness and can be diagnosed with radiologically CT MRI with examination of the brain fluid that is CSF treatment usually consist of antitumor blood drugs and these are curable if treatment take in regularly. second tuberculoma are the localized nodule like mass formation inside the brain. These are usually many number located all over the brain and again present with most commonly seizures. And when they meet and become large, they can cause mass effect in the form of headache, vomiting, decreased consciousness, weakness of limbs and depending upon the area of brain anvoirment treatment consists of antituber drugs and surgeries in a few cases to remove the Mass vision.